Home Care Assistance
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Inspiration and strategies for caregiving and positive aging.
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Should I Hire a Private Care Worker or Use an Agency?
As a Geriatric Care Manager, I am often asked about whether to hire a private Care Worker or go through a home care agency. The question is so prevalent that a colleague and I wrote a book about t…
Parkinson’s and the Power of Music
Music has long proven to promote wellness and healing – physically, psychologically, and emotionally and is used for this purpose routinely by in home care agency care workers and aged care servic…
Building a Strong Relationship with Your in Home Care Worker
Building and maintaining a good relationship with your professional in home Care Worker seems like it would be straight-forward, but it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly how. It is a rela…
Spotting & Stopping Malnutrition
Can you imagine a senior loved one in your life that is hungry or not getting the food they need, but nobody knows it? This has been called hidden hunger, a phrase that describes the problem of ma…
You’ve got your home care package – Now what?
Now that you have your My Aged Care Home Care Package subsidy, you have choice and flexibility in the way it is used to provide the aged care services and support that is right for you. Beca…
Qualifying for Government Subsidised In Home Aged Care
When the time comes to be looking into care options for ageing loved ones, families are often most worried about how much it will all cost. Fortunately, help is at hand. Ageing Australians are s…
Who’s the Boss? Working with Your Parent’s Care Worker
Do you remember the childhood game of Chinese Whispers? You whispered a sentence from child to child and the resulting sentence was nothing like the original?
Dispelling Parkinson’s Disease Myths
Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common adult neurological conditions, affecting an estimated 10 million adults globally, and is not confined to those in aged care or ageing in place.
How the MIND Diet Can Improve your Brain Health and Fight Dementia
Nutrition is the cornerstone to your health. Without the proper fuel, your brain and your body will suffer. But when you think about eating healthily are you thinking about losing weight and looki…