As our loved ones age, we often become acutely aware that our time with them is running out. Making the most of the time that is left and creating meaningful moments and memories becomes more important. This is especially the case when special times of the year arise, such as Easter. Having the right support and care for your loved one can help make this possible. At Home Care Assistance, our Care Professionals provide home care that can help support your loved one through creating meaningful moments, but also through alleviating the care responsibilities so you can have meaningful moments with your loved one.
When a loved one needs care, the type of care that is provided can make a big difference to the quality of their life. Being settled, and happy enables your loved one to enjoy their time and be comfortable. Having home care provided through an agency, such as Home Care Assistance enables them to receive one on one care that is tailored for their needs. When they receive the right care, there is more space to enjoy times.
Picture this, two people go to Easter lunch with family. The first person comes from a group care environment. The person goes to breakfast, but it isn’t the food they like to eat so they don’t eat much, they have needed to rush through their shower because the staff have lots of people to get through, they aren’t really sure what is happening because no one has explained it to them, and a family member picks them up and takes them to Easter lunch. The older person arrives at lunch hungry and frazzled without having had a good morning. The second person is being cared for by a family member who is now trying to organise Easter lunch, and care for their loved one. In this situation not only does the older person get to lunch without having received optimal time and care because there is only so much that can fit into a morning, the family member caring for them has also had a rushed morning and gets to lunch not really organised which diminishes their opportunity to enjoy lunch and creating memorable moments with their loved one.
Compare these situations to one where the person lives in their own home and receives home care. The Care Professional makes sure they have a breakfast they are happy to eat, can take time helping them shower and dress, and explains what is going to happen that day. All this occurs while your loved one has constant companionship of the Care Professional who is trained to not only meet their physical needs, but also their emotional needs, and keep them relaxed and happy. The Care Professional then takes drops them off at Easter lunch with the family and they arrive having had a good morning where all their needs are catered for. Not only does the provision of home care mean the loved one has had an enjoyable morning, but they are also in a much better position to enjoy lunch with their family.
Receiving home care means your loved one can receive the care that they need, in their own home, and bet better positioned to enjoy their time at home, as well as to enjoy special events such as Easter lunch with the family. Further, family members, who might otherwise be the carers of the older person, are able to focus on spending quality time with their loved ones rather than focussing on meeting the caring needs. This results in everyone having the space they need to spend quality time together and create those special moments that can be treasured.
Home care, such as that provided by the Care Professionals at Home Care Assistance, gives enables older people and their loved ones to make the most of the time they have together so they can create lasting memories.
Support of a home care agency like Home Care Assistance, can bring enormous benefit and comfort to your quality of life while living independently at home. Home Care Assistance has viable solutions when it comes to supporting independent living. For more information, get in touch with a Home Care Assistance near me today.
As a leading age care provider, Home Care Assistance offers tailored in-home care services for older Australians, enabling them to live happier and healthier lives in the comfort of their own homes.
We offer private and government subsidised Care Packages and have office locations that are a registered NDIS provider. Our Care Workers undergo extensive training in order to deliver unmatched in-home aged care services where people can continue ageing in place. We are proud ambassadors of the My Aged Care government funded aged care program, enabling Australians to successfully navigate the process and gain approval for in-home care support packages. Home Care Assistance offers hourly care, specialised care, Alzheimer’s and Dementia care, hospital to home care, and 24 hour in home care.